Friday's Announcements

Every October The Children Aid Societies across the province work with their communities to raise awareness about the rights of children, youth safety and well-being, and the responsibility of adults and community services to help children and youth who need support. On Ontario Day, Thursday October 24, we join together to celebrate this community that cares for kids. We are asking that all staff and students wear purple on that day to show their support.  Students are to wear their uniform bottoms.
Please join us and wear purple on Thursday, October 24.

The following students please see Mrs. Walls in Campus Ministry today. 

Angie Doka, Matthew Muscedere, Maddie Rourke, Lydia Collavino, Luis Delatavo, Eddie Grimmett and Jessica Rudi.

There will TED-ED meeting next Monday, October 22 at lunch in room 208. Materials will be distributed. Make sure your permission forms are signed and submitted to Dr. Brode. See you next on Monday in room 208 at lunch.

Lasers! Check out this week's First Nations, Metis, Inuit bulletin board across from the attendance office.  Every week, there will be new artistry and information provided by students in the NBE 3U  (First Nations, Metis, Inuit Literature) course that were originally designed to promote awareness and inspire a movement forward in Truth and Reconciliation.  Thank you for your interest and support! 

Any students interested in trivia are invited to come to room 255 at lunch to play and get information about the season's activities.  If you can't make it today, but would like to be involved please see Mrs. Owchar or Mr. Sylvestre.  

A reminder to all cross country team members that there is a meeting at lunch today in room 205.

The Harold Hewitt Scholarship was established by WFCU Credit Union as a yearly contribution to post-secondary education for youth in our community in honour of long term Director, Harold Hewitt. 

The grade 12 scholarship is valued at $2 000
Submissions will be accepted from members and non-members of WFCU in grades JK to 12.

For this year's essay, tell us, in no more than 250 words, "Imagine what our community will look like 20 years from now?"
The scholarship is due November 2nd!!!

Further information on this scholarship and other scholarships can be found within the guidance website found through the St Joseph's High School portal.

Got questions about life, faith and God? Come and join us for Alpha at Most Precious Blood Church on Tecumseh Rd, this Saturday, Oct. 20th from 12-2pm. Doors open at 11:45 and a free lunch will be provided. 

Hey, Lasers! Have you ever thought of creating your own business? Do you have any great product ideas? Do you want to make new friends, gain experience and knowledge of the business world, and… make money? The Junior Achievement company program encompasses all of these aspects and more! The 18-week program takes place every Monday from 6:30-9:00 pm at Big Brothers Big Sisters Windsor Essex from October 29th to April 8th. You can receive awards, scholarship opportunities, and more with this internationally recognized program. Spots are limited and are filling up quickly so make sure to check out the sign-up sheet on Mr. Gilbert’s door (room 253) or the LaserNews Instagram to sign up!

CLEAN UP YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA. Your online reputation matters! Make sure your social media accounts reflect who you are. It is common for scholarship committees, employers, and admissions officers to check the social media sites of their applicants.

There will be a brief meeting for all those who have signed up TODAY in Room 202 during lunch. Curling will begin next week. 

COR is a weekend retreat that will change your life! Get away from the busyness of life and discover who you are, who you are meant to be and how much God loves you. The next COR will be held November 9-11. Please see Mrs. Walls in Campus Ministry for more details and for application forms.

St. Peter's Seminary is hosting a Come and See Weekend for men who are 17 years old or older and considering a call to the Priesthood. The weekend will be held Oct. 26-28 and offers a first-hand experience of the life of a seminarian, spiritual help for discernment and an opportunity to meet current seminarians. If you are interested, please see Mr. Polewski or Mrs. Walls for more information.

Wrestling is a great sport because anybody can do it. In this sport, you wrestle people that are the same weight as you; size is not an issue.  The sport of wrestling also helps you develop important qualities such as self-esteem, sportsmanship, work ethic, and leadership skills. Wrestling teaches control, not violence. If you are interested in trying this sport, sign up on the list outside of Room 162, or speak with Mr. Menard or Mrs. Carpio-Sementilli for more information.

This is a reminder to staff that our own little restaurant Chez Chaussette (House of Sok's) is in Room 160 and is open Tuesday to Friday for those who would like a home cooked meal. Our daily menu is posted on the community website. So all you newbies and oldies come on down and try some of our freshly made food items.

The Social Justice Club will be collecting coats next week for our Coats for Kids campaign. If you have any gently used coats, snow pants, hats, mitts or scarves, please consider donating them to families in need in our community. All donations can be brought to the Chapel before school next week. 

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