Thursday's Announcements


Just a reminder, 

Please complete the Google Form to vote for different award winners to be given at the Evening of Excellence in June. This was posted on the community and sent to your email.

Voting for the Father Zakoor Award will take place after school today in room 208. Take a look at the portfolios by the three candidates and cast your vote. 
Voting will continue Friday at lunch and after school in room 208. If you have any questions, please speak to Dr. Brode.


This past Tuesday three of your fellow Lasers competed in the Ontario Technological Skills Competition held in Toronto. If you see  Jordan Matti, Jackson Thibodeau or Bill Fransen please congratulate them on their performances.

Jordan and Jackson (coached by Mr. Menard) competed in the two man carpentry challenge against 53 other teams from across Ontario. They had 8 hours to build a cedar arbor/garden bench.

Bill (coached by Mr. Regnier) competed against 40 other students in the automotive service and repair competition in which he had to demonstrate his skills and knowledge in steering, suspension, brakes electrical and engines.

We won't know the results or their placement in the competition for several 
days but all three boys competed hard and represented St. Joe's extremely well.

Way to go guys.


The following students need to see Ms. Mcguire or Ms. Flynn with their Stratford permission forms by tomorrow (FRIDAY). NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! No form, no trip.

Hunter Pitre
Domenic Forget
Isabella Alfini
Luka Apostolvski
Bhea Cabagnon
Ricky Villegas
Charlize Alcaraz


The dining lounge in room 160 will be closed on Friday so the staff can savour the foods of the world during Multicultural day.

If you wish to order a take out pizza at the end of the day on Friday BBS Mr. Sok’s

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