Monday's Announcements


There will be a brief tech team meeting today at lunch in room 165.  

All tech team members should be there.  Thank you.


Like the phoenix the united fandoms club is rising again.

Those interested should come to room 217 during luch on Tuesday this week - 
We have an opportunity to participate in an upcoming assembly and invite all fangilrls and fanboys to check out our club this Tuesday at lunch in room 217 - Thanks


The Optimist Club of Forest Glade is in need of student volunteers to help run acitivities for their annual March Madness Program.  

See the volunteer board outside of the Main Office for various activities and contact information. 

It's a great opportunity to earn several community service hours over the Break.


There is a meeting today at lunch in room 155 for all the students involved in the Coffee House Open Mic Night this Thursday March 9, 2017 in our cafeteria. 

All students are asked to attend so we can finalize plans for Thursday evening. Please see Ms. Touma in room 155 if you have any questions or concerns.


This morning you would have found a small pink poster about the Coffee House/Open Mic Night in your mailboxes. 

We would ask that you please post these in your classrooms to remind students about the Coffee House /Open Mic Night this Thursday March 9, 2017 in our cafeteria from 6pm-9pm

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.


Attention all students going on the Europe Trip this spring.  

There is a mandatory meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at lunch in room 201.  

That's a mandatory meeting for all students on the Europe trip in room 201 on Tuesday.

Bring your lunch!


There will be a mandatory meeting at lunch on Tuesday in room 220 for any girls interested in playing senior or junior girls soccer this year.

That is a mandatory meeting for all senior and junior girls soccer players at lunch on Tuesday in room 220  at 1:40 sharp


Copa Di Rayo Laser Quarter Finals continue today, with Major Lasers FC battling No Money FC on Monday, March 6. 

Tomorrow, in the first semi-final match GLO Gang take-on Longballs FC.

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