Monday's Announcements

Attention all student-athletes who have participated in a sport this past fall season:  Due to a VERY low response from students, the fall recognition assembly will be postponed until next semester.  Please check you email for another invite in March.

Good morning Lasers,
This message is for all students, from grades  9 to 12, who are currently enrolled in a math course this semester. The Math Department will be running an AFTER SCHOOL HOMEWORK HELP CLUB this TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, in room 218.  With EQAO assessments, and your FINAL EXAMS just around the corner. we know that you are working hard and may be looking for some extra help. Please feel free to pop in and bring your friends!

That's this TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, after school in room 218, from 3:00 pm until 4:15 pm
Hope to see you there!

This past Saturday, John Larivière was the only St. Joe wrestler to compete at the Sarnia Invitational Tournament. Well, ladies and gentlemen, he stepped up and won the novice GOLD medal for his weight class. Congratulations Jon and good luck to you and the team next weekend at the Tecumseh Vista Academy's Winter Invitational.

Grads, this is a reminder that the university application deadline is this Wednesday, January 16.  Please note that credit card payments are processed immediately.  Bank payments can take up to 3 to 5 business days.  If you have questions or concerns please see your guidance counsellor as soon as possible.

Are you in need of Community Service Hours? Here is an opportunity for you!
Forest Glade Library is in desperate need of volunteers. Children read and play literacy games for an hour a week with a volunteer.
Anyone interested is invited to contact Ms. Georgina Kosanovic, Book Buddy Coordinator at, or leaving a message 519-255-6770, ext. 4418.

There is a quick but MANDATORY meeting for all choir singers in room 212 at the beginning of lunch. The meeting will last about 5 minutes, but it is MANDATORY so please get to room 212 quickly at the BEGINNING of lunch today. Thanks!!

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