Monday's Announcements


Join Mrs. Koppeser in the library for sessions on preparing to write the OSSLT every day after school next week.  

Each night will focus on a different skill, such as writing a summary, news report and opinion essay and answering multiple choice questions.  

The new online test is less than two weeks away.  

Visit the site and come out to the free sessions next week to give yourself the best chance at meeting your literacy requirement early this year.


Any students wishing to try out for the Laser Hockey team is asked to fill out the on-line try-out, which can be found on the Laser Portal. 

Please see Mr. McAiney if you have any questions. 


A big congratulations to all members of the cross country team who pushed themselves through their races despite warmer than expected temperatures and an EXTREMELY difficult Malden Park course with many hills! 

Special recognition goes to Nicole LaRue, who placed first in her race.

Ms. Flynn and Mrs. Greig are so proud of the dedication and perseverance that was displayed by all runners.

Enjoy the long weekend, and try to fit in a run through your neighbourhood!  We will resume practice on Tuesday.


There is a mandatory Social Justice meeting today, at lunch, in room 257. 

All Members of the Social Justice Club must attend. 

Please bring your lunch.

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