Monday's Announcements
Would the following people please see Ms. Bisnaire TODAY at lunch in the music room: Sarah Beshiri, Angela Doctor, Halleloya Almansoor, Sean Samonte, Oleyo Gobi, Melody Turner, and Isabella Gallucci. Come to the music room NOW to talk to Ms. Bisnaire.
Just are minder that your Christmas food orders are ready to be picked up.
This is an important reminder to members of the Boys Hockey team including AP's. You must have your team and Catholic Cup jersey fee in by Friday. This is a total of $340 for team players and $40 for AP's jerseys. Without payment will jeopardize playing in the Tournament and Catholic Cup. If there is a problem please see Mr. Sok's or Ms. Greig ASAP
Windsor Light Music Theatre is casting for the show Hairspray! and are looking for cast members, particularly male cast members. Auditions are tonight as well as Thurs. Dec. 13th at 7:00 p.m. at the Windsor Light Hall at 2491 Jos St. Louis. For more information go to
A reminder to Eco Club members and volunteers from Ms. Touma's Social Justice class–– there is an organizational meeting after school in Room 217 with Mr. Barron today and Wednesday. See you there!
This year's St. Joe's Christmas Concert is tomorrow night from 6-7pm in the cafetorium. Come out tomorrow night and bring your family to this great event. Acts include the concert band, dancers and singers as well as a Christmas sing-a-long. This event is SANTA approved. Come out tomorrow night from 6-7pm.
If you are unable to make it tomorrow from 6-7pm then get your period 1 class out to the school concert on Wednesday. Yes, Wednesday is the school concert during PERIOD 1. Come out and enjoy this magical event.
Students, are you looking for a "magical" volunteer opportunity? The Princess Ball of Essex-Kent is looking for student volunteers to assist with this event. The Ball takes place on Saturday, January 26 from 12-4 pm. There are numerous tasks that need to be filled by volunteers. This event supports the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Canada. If you are interested in more information please see Ms. Gilbert in the guidance office TODAY.
To all SAC members who have not taken their picture yet, please meet Charlize in Ms. Owchar's room after school immediately. Also, if you have not yet put in your wish list for Secret Santa, please do so now. The link Google Doc is in the group chat.
Again, to all student council members, you must have your picture taken after school TODAY. Meet Charlize in Ms. Owchar's room after school.