Wednesday's Announcments

The hospitality class will be preparing food for the second luncheon of the year Thursday during lunch in the staff room for $8.00. Check the website for the menu.

Congratulation to those players who made it difficult for the coaching staff to finalize the team roster. We have chosen 16 players with the 17th to be determined at a later date. Those who are AP players are still part of the team. We will hold a team meeting on Monday, November 19 during lunch in room 160  for all players including AP players and let you know our intentions for this years season.

The University of Guelph will be in the atrium at lunch today.  Check it out!

Please dismiss members of the girls' hockey team at 2:35 today for their exhibition game against Tecumseh Vista.

Fireside Catholic Publishing wishes to recognize outstanding Catholic High School Seniors who are “Putting their Faith into Action” daily. Winners will receive a $1 000 cash reward for their essays. The essay topic for this year’s scholarship is:

 “How is your Religious Education Influencing your life?”

The number of entries for each high school is limited. Please see Miss Cuderman in guidance for the application form and further information.

Completed applications must be submitted to the guidance office no later than 3pm, November 29th to be considered. 

Try and get the best grades you can. A fair amount of scholarships often require at least a B average, however, grades are not weighed as much when a scholarship is based on financial need. 

Also, try and get the best marks you can in grades 11 and 12 as some scholarships will look at both your grade 11 and 12 marks.

The Salvation Army is still looking for volunteers to be at their Kettles throughout Windsor-Essex County! A variety of times and dates are still available. See Miss Cuderman in Guidance for further information and an application form.

St. Vincent de Paul is in desperate need of gently used clothing. If you have any items you would like to donate, please drop them off to Campus Ministry or to Mr. Polewski in Room 153.

The second tryout will be held today after school in the large gym at 4:30PM to 6:00PM. Cuts will be made after today's tryout.

If there are any students who are interested in joining a cultural club for black and/or African students, there will be a brief information meeting TOMORROW in the learning commons during lunch. If you have any more questions, please contact Mr. Wilson, Mariam Worku or Tina Ighorewo. Everyone is welcome!

Attention Health and Wellness SHSM students:
There is a certification opportunity available to all Health and Wellness SHSM students.
Monday, November 19
From 9-2:30 pm
Students are to get their own ride to the Board office. (AT Assumption high school)

Please come and get a permission form at the phys ed office this week.

Attention French Immersion students that have a school board issued Bus Pass:

The temporary student card that you were given with your bus pass has expired and it will be confiscated by the Transit Windsor bus driver.  You must use your student card as your picture portion.  If you do not yet have your student card, please come to the Main Office.

****Laser Lanyards are now available for purchase.  They may be purchased for $6.00 each or 2 for $10.00.  They are being sold in the Laser Box during lunch time on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  ****