Tuesday's Announcements


Attention Mr Sok’s students who volunteered for this Saturdays function at the school. 

There will be a brief meeting today at lunch in room 160 to verify your presents for that day. 

If you can not come to the meeting but would still like to volunteer you can come by during the day to inform me.


Badminton Tryouts will resume Thursday night at 7pm, and Friday right after school. 

New players welcome!


Attention All Staff: The United Way Drive has begun. 

You will find forms in your mailboxes today. 

You can fill out the paper forms and bring them to Ms. Touma in room 155 or you can go online to make your donations. 

The Board will have sent out a message to you with  the connection to the site for online donations. 

We ask that all staff  participate so we can achieve 100% participation at this school. 

A donation of any amount would be very much appreciated. 

If you have any questions or concerns please see Ms. Touma in room 155.


The curling team secured it’s third victory of the season last night with a come from behind victory over Kingsville.  

Trailing by one in the sixth end, the team was able to score one to tie it up. 

Going in to the last end without the hammer, Skip Adam Stupnykyj drew around a pair of guards and put his last shot right on the button.  

Despite an excellent attempt by the Kingsville skip, they were unable to remove the shot and our team secured the victory 7-6.  

We now sit in third place in the league at 3 wins and 2 losses.  We face the Villanova Wildcats on Wednesday. Go Lasers.


Attention all Grade 12 French students (Core and Immersion) interested in writing the DELF test this year. 

There is an important meeting in Room 201 at lunch TODAY. 

You must attend this meeting to be considered.


Attention All Students: There is a meeting for the WE Project/St. Vincent DePaul today at lunch in room 155. Please bring your lunch and join us.


Please see Mr. Castagna in CORE Services, room 151, during lunch on Wednesday, February 8 if you are interested in registering  for the grand spectacle of indoor soccer here at St. Joe's, known as the Copa di Rayo!


Semi Formal tickets will be on sale in the Laser Box today at lunch.

Tickets are $30 each. You need to have your signed contract in order to purchase your tickets. 

Get your tickets soon as they will sell out fast!


The Canadian Blood Services will have a booth outside the Guidance office, tomorrow, at lunch. 

Please take the time to stop by. 

They will have lots of valuable information and you can find out your blood type! 

Don't miss the booth outside of Guidance, at lunch, tomorrow!

Calling all writers!  The annual OECTA Young Authors contest is now inviting entries for short stories, poems and nonfiction pieces (essay, article or report).  

Please see Mrs. Koppeser, your English teacher or the Literary Lasers board (upstairs next to the elevator) for an entry form.  

All submissions must be received by Wednesday, February 8th to be eligible for the school judging.  

Winners will receive cash prizes and have their work published in an anthology.

Any students  interested in auditioning for this years Dance Team should meet on the stage immediately at the beginning of lunch today.


Tickets for the Catholic Cup go on sale tomorrow at lunch.  

Tickets are $2 each but will cost $3 at the door.  

Tickets will only be on sale on Wednesday and Thursdays.  

Be sure to get your ticket for the game.

Chocolate Roses!!
Chocolate roses will at sold at lunch 
1 for two dollars 
3 for five.