Friday's Announcements
COURSE SELECTIONS Lasers, here are some fun facts for this fine Friday. Fact #1: 890 students need to make course selections for the 2020/2021 school year. Fact #2: Only 160 students have completed the course selection process. Fact #3: Your course selections are due no later than March 6. Enjoy the weekend! GRAD FEE PAYMENT Attention graduating students: Your grad fee of $75 can be paid using school cash online or in cash through Mrs. Bachmeier in the main office. Remember that the fee is due March 2nd, which is this coming Monday. VALEDICTORIAN Attention grade 12 graduates: Are you interested in being this year’s valedictorian? You can find information regarding nominations and the elections process on the Grad Google Classroom. Nominations are due no later than March 27th. PEER TUTORING SERVICES Peer tutoring is available to anyone who needs extra help with homework in any subject. Peer tutors will be in the Conference Room beside the attendance office at ...