Friday's Announcements
GRADE 8 NIGHT DISPLAYS Attention all groups who are using tables for your displays. Mr. Sok's will be ordering standard size tablecloths, please let him know if your display needs a special size. The standard size will be 3 feet by 6 feet. He will be placing the order today by 2 p.m. UNITED WAY DRIVE Attention All Staff: It's that time of year again. United Way forms have been put in your mailboxes. Please read the attached sheet to the form and make the choice to get involved in donating to United Way. They need your help to keep all of their community programs going in Windsor and Essex County. Please complete forms and return them to room 155 or Ms. Touma's mailbox. Today is the last day Ms. Touma will be accepting forms. After today you will have to send them to the board office on your own. See the message on the google community for further information. In advance, thank you for your cooperation and participation. YOUNG CANADIANS FORUM There is only one week le...